Water Recycling

Recycling water allows us to continually reuse one of our most Vital resources. Water recycling Removes contaminants from Wastewater and allows it to re enter local water systems for use In Homes and businesses. Recycling water ensures that the water Is safe for consumption and other Practical uses.

Potable Water System

Drinking water should be fresh, clean, and conditioned. We all have enough to worry about The proper sterilization ( or lack thereof ) of our water supply should not be one of them.


Oil Water Separators

An oil water separator is a piece of equipment used to treat Wastewater, making it safe to discharge Into an approved Discharge point, such as a sewer. It removes oils, grease and Hydrocarbons, leaving Only the non-hazardous water. The Wastewater can then disposed of safely in drainage.


Dissolved Air Floatation

Dissolved air flotation is an alternative clarification Process ideal for treating raw water with light particles, Such as algae or color-causing organics, and at low Temperatures when sedimentation is not as effective.


Biological Treatment Of Waste Water

Biological treatments rely on bacteria, nematodes, or other Mall organisms to break down organic Wastes using normal Cellular processes. Wastewater typically contains a buffet of Organic matter, Such as garbage, wastes, and partially Digested foods.


Membrane Bio-Reactors

‘Membrane bioreactor’ (MBR) is generally a term used to define wastewater treatment processes Where a perm-selective membrane, eg microfiltration or ultrafiltration, is integrated with a biological Process − specifically a suspended growth bioreactor.


Universal Advanced Bio Reactor

The UABR is a packaged bioreactor and specifically designed to enhance the biological treatment Capacity of the WashMaster recycle system, whilst delivering simpler operation, less maintenance, lower power and consumables consumption.


Containerized Systems

Water purification in a container is useful if you want a quick and hassle-free start with mobile water treatment. Whether it's sand filtration, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, MBR or other techniques


Screen Filtration

The screen Filtration system catches the water as it comes out of the sink, sending it through six stages of filtration for the optimal clean water.


Water Softening

Water softening, the process of removing the dissolved calcium And magnesium salts that cause Hardness in water. Unlike hard Water, softened water will not form insoluble scale or precipitates In pipes and tanks or interfere with cleaners such as soap. Water Softening is thus indispensable In many industries


UV Technology

Ultraviolet water purification is the most effective method for Ddisinfecting bacteria from the water. Ultraviolet (UV) rays Penetrate harmful pathogens in your water and destroy illness Causing Microorganisms by attacking their genetic core


Pump Stations

Water pumping stations are machines that can be used to transport Water from one site to another, Without needing direct human Input. These devices can supply water to canals, circulate Water in Treatment systems and can even drain water from low lying land


Chemical Monitoring

There are many ways to monitor water conditions. Monitoring Specialists sample the chemical condition Of water and sediments To determine levels of key constituents such as dissolved oxygen, Nutrients, metals, Oils, and pesticides


Sewage Treatment

Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants From wastewater and Convert it into an effluent that can be Returned to the water cycle. Once returned to the Water cycle, The effluent creates an acceptable impact on the environment


Reticulation Systems

Water reticulation systems are water distribution networks Which have to be collected and then treated Before Distributed to the consumer.


Irrigation Systems

Sprinkler or Spray irrigation is the method of applying water to A controlled manner in that is similar to Rainfall. The water is Distributed through a network that may consist of pumps, Valves, pipes, and Sprinklers. Irrigation sprinklers can be used For residential, industrial, and agricultural usage.


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis removes contaminants from unfiltered Water, or feed water, when pressure forces It through a semipermeable Membrane. Water flows from the more concentrated side of the RO Membrane to the less concentrated side to provide clean drinking water


Ion Exchange

Ion exchange is a water treatment process commonly used for Water softening or demineralization, But it also is used to remove Other substances from the water in processes such as dealkalization Deionization, denitrification, and disinfection.


Carbon Absorption

Carbon absorption is a widely used method of home water Treatment because of its ability to improve Water by removing Disagreeable tastes and odors, including objectionable chlorine. Activated carbon effectively removes many chemicals and gases



Ozonation (also referred to as ozonisation) is a chemical water Treatment technique based on the Infusion of ozone into water. Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), which is One of The most powerful oxidants